
Register Books & Thank You Cards

Register Books & Thank You Cards

Register Books

The funeral guest book (also called funeral registry books) serves two primary purposes. The first is to give the family of the deceased a record of those who attended the services or stopped by to pay their respects. For the people who sign the book, it is a way to express the fact that the deceased touched and affected their lives. For both, it is a way to help start the healing process after a loss.

Thank You Cards

Once the funeral services are over and the out of town visitors have gone home, you have a chance to reflect on how many people have supported you through such a difficult time. From flowers to meals to attendance at the funeral, people express their sympathy in many ways. To show appreciation we write thank you notes. This time-honored tradition shows that we appreciate what others have done. It can also prove therapeutic and help us move along the path to recovering from grief.

Below is a sample of our Register Books and Thank You Cards.

Burgundy Register Book

Burgundy Register Book

Fisherman Register Book

Fisherman Register Book

Freedom Wings Register Book

Freedom Wings Register Book

Garden of Prophet Register Book

Garden of Promise Register Book

Ivory Register Book

Ivory Register Book

Our Lady of Guadalupe Book

Our Lady of Guadalupe Book

Woodland Deer Register Book

Sacred Heart Register Book

Woodland Deer Register Book

Woodland Deer Register Book

Fisherman Thank  You

Fisherman Thank You

Freedom Wings Thank You

Freedom Wings Thank You

Garden of Promise Thank You

Garden of Promise Thank You

Our Lady of Guadalupe English Thank You

Our Lady of Guadalupe English Thank You

Our Lady of Guadalupe Spanish Thank You

Our Lady of Guadalupe Spanish Thank You

Sacred Heart Thank You

Sacred Heart Thank You

Sunrise Cross Thank You

Sunrise Cross Thank You

Thank You Cards

Thank You Cards

Woodland Deer Thank You

Woodland Deer Thank You

Woodland Deer Thank You

Sacred Heart Register Book


(313) 928-2300
5900 Allen Rd., Allen Park, MI 48101
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(313) 291-1800
23750 Goddard Rd., Taylor, MI 48180
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(313) 278-5100
23701 Ford Rd., Dearborn, MI 48128
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